2007年11月17日 星期六

openSUSE 10.3 基本中文化

本文主要針對 openSUSE 10.3 CD 版本
因為 CD 版本,包含 Live CD 都是英文版
這是接著上一篇用 openSUSE 10.3 KDE Live CD 安裝完後的一些工作

話說上次把 openSUSE 10.3 KDE Live CD 安裝到硬碟後
在 Live CD 上安裝的 gcin 和 odosung 都還在

不過 Sax2 的設定和 ADSL 設定不見了
但是一開機就有 gcin 和漂亮的中文字(網頁),感覺真是太舒服了
一般要更改語系加入中文支援就到 YaST 中找 Language 改成 Traditional Chinese (繁體中文)就可以了
因為這樣做就會將 scim 以及 舊的文鼎字型 (oss) 或方正字型 (non-oss) 裝上
看看直接安裝 zh_TW 語言套件會裝上哪些
# zypper in -t language zh_TW
* Reading repository '10.3-update' cache
* Reading repository '10.3-oss' cache
* Reading repository 'swyear' cache
* Reading installed packages [100%]

The following NEW languages are going to be installed:
zh_TW zh

The following NEW packages are going to be installed:
MozillaFirefox-translations scim-bridge scim-bridge-gtk scim-bridge-qt
yast2-trans-zh_TW anthy fbiterm ft2demos gd glib gtk gtkiterm imlib libXiterm libchewing
libiterm libotf lv m17n-lib mlterm mlterm-scim rxvt-unicode scim scim-chewing
scim-input-pad scim-m17n scim-pinyin scim-pinyin-skim scim-qtimm scim-tables
scim-tables-skim scim-tables-zh skim xiterm CID-keyed-fonts-MOE OpenOffice_org-zh-TW
bundle-lang-common-zh bundle-lang-gnome-zh bundle-lang-kde-zh desktop-translations
ghostscript-cjk ifntchia ifntchib kde3-i18n-zh_TW kde4-l10n-zh_TW m17n-db
man-pages-zh_CN ttf-arphic ttf-arphic-bkai00mp ttf-arphic-bsmi00lp

Overall download size: 108.8 M. After the operation, additional 259.3 M will be used.
Continue? [yes/no]: n

這是只有 oss 的部份,若加上 non-oss
# zypper in -t language zh_TW
* Reading repository '10.3-update' cache
* Reading repository '10.3-non-oss' cache
* Reading repository '10.3-oss' cache
* Reading repository 'swyear' cache
* Reading installed packages [100%]

The following NEW languages are going to be installed:
zh_TW zh

The following NEW packages are going to be installed:
ttf-founder-traditional MozillaFirefox-translations scim-bridge scim-bridge-gtk
scim-bridge-qt yast2-trans-zh_TW anthy fbiterm ft2demos gd glib gtk gtkiterm imlib
libXiterm libchewing libiterm libotf lv m17n-lib mlterm mlterm-scim rxvt-unicode scim
scim-chewing scim-input-pad scim-m17n scim-pinyin scim-pinyin-skim scim-qtimm
scim-tables scim-tables-skim scim-tables-zh skim xiterm CID-keyed-fonts-MOE
OpenOffice_org-zh-TW bundle-lang-common-zh bundle-lang-gnome-zh bundle-lang-kde-zh
desktop-translations ghostscript-cjk ifntchia ifntchib kde3-i18n-zh_TW
kde4-l10n-zh_TW m17n-db man-pages-zh_CN ttf-arphic ttf-arphic-bkai00mp

Overall download size: 120.9 M. After the operation, additional 285.1 M will be used.
Continue? [yes/no]: n

# zypper if ttf-founder-traditional MozillaFirefox-translations scim-bridge scim-bridge-gtk scim-bridge-qt yast2-trans-zh_TW anthy fbiterm ft2demos gd glib gtk gtkiterm imlib libXiterm libchewing libiterm libotf lv m17n-lib mlterm mlterm-scim rxvt-unicode scim scim-chewing scim-input-pad scim-m17n scim-pinyin scim-pinyin-skim scim-qtimm scim-tables scim-tables-skim scim-tables-zh skim xiterm CID-keyed-fonts-MOE OpenOffice_org-zh-TW bundle-lang-common-zh bundle-lang-gnome-zh bundle-lang-kde-zh desktop-translations ghostscript-cjk ifntchia ifntchib kde3-i18n-zh_TW kde4-l10n-zh_TW m17n-db man-pages-zh_CN ttf-arphic ttf-arphic-bkai00mp ttf-arphic-bsmi00lp
* Reading repository '10.3-update' cache
* Reading repository '10.3-non-oss' cache
* Reading repository '10.3-oss' cache
* Reading repository 'swyear' cache
* Reading installed packages [100%]

Information for package ttf-founder-traditional:

Repository: 10.3-non-oss
Name: ttf-founder-traditional
Version: 0.20040419-1
Arch: noarch
Installed: No
Status: not installed
Installed Size: 25.7 M
Summary: traditional Chinese TrueType fonts made by Beijing Founder Electronics
<!-- DT:Rich -->
<p>traditional Chinese TrueType fonts made by Beijing Founder Electronics

Information for package MozillaFirefox-translations:

Repository: 10.3-update
Name: MozillaFirefox-translations
Arch: i586
Installed: Yes
Status: up-to-date
Installed Size: 26.9 M
Summary: Translations for MozillaFirefox
This package contains several optional languages for the user interface
of MozillaFirefox.

Mozilla Foundation <drivers@mozilla.org>

Information for package scim-bridge:

Repository: 10.3-update
Name: scim-bridge
Version: 0.4.13-25.2
Arch: i586
Installed: No
Status: not installed
Installed Size: 508.9 K
Summary: Scim Bridge
Scim Bridge

Ryo Dairiki <ryo-dairiki@users.sourceforge.net>

Information for package scim-bridge-gtk:

Repository: 10.3-update
Name: scim-bridge-gtk
Version: 0.4.13-25.2
Arch: i586
Installed: No
Status: not installed
Installed Size: 70.7 K
Summary: Scim Bridge for gtk2
Scim Bridge for gtk2

Ryo Dairiki <ryo-dairiki@users.sourceforge.net>

Information for package scim-bridge-qt:

Repository: 10.3-update
Name: scim-bridge-qt
Version: 0.4.13-25.2
Arch: i586
Installed: No
Status: not installed
Installed Size: 98.9 K
Summary: Scim Bridge for Qt
Scim Bridge for Qt

Ryo Dairiki <ryo-dairiki@users.sourceforge.net>

Information for package yast2-trans-zh_TW:

Repository: 10.3-update
Name: yast2-trans-zh_TW
Version: 2.15.12-2.1openSUSE 10.3 KDE Live CD
Arch: noarch
Installed: No
Status: not installed
Installed Size: 2.0 M
Summary: YaST2 - Traditional Chinese Translations
YaST2 - Traditional Chinese Translations

Information for package anthy:

Repository: 10.3-oss
Name: anthy
Version: 9100-26
Arch: i586
Installed: No
Status: not installed
Installed Size: 22.0 M
Summary: Kana-Kanji Conversion Engine
<!-- DT:Rich -->
<p>Anthy (previously called 'Ancy'):
Canna, FreeWnn, and others are famous Kana-Kanji conversion engines
usable for Unix on PCs. They were originally developed for
Japanese Unix workstations around 1990 and development has
practically stopped. Therefore, the Heke Project is writing a free
conversion engine from scratch (apart from the dictionary, which is
developed outside of the Heke Project).

Information for package fbiterm:

Repository: 10.3-oss
Name: fbiterm
Version: 0.5.20040304-140
Arch: i586
Installed: No
Status: not installed
Installed Size: 791.3 K
Summary: Internationalized Terminal Emulator for Framebuffers
<!-- DT:Rich -->openSUSE 10.3 KDE Live CD
<p>An internationalized terminal emulator for framebuffers.

Information for package ft2demos:

Repository: 10.3-oss
Name: ft2demos
Version: 2.3.5-22
Arch: i586
Installed: No
Status: not installed
Installed Size: 474.5 K
Summary: Freetype2 Utilities and Demo Programs
<!-- DT:Rich -->openSUSE 10.3 KDE Live CD
<p>Freetype2 utilities and demo programs.

Information for package gd:

Repository: 10.3-oss
Name: gd
Version: 2.0.35-20
Arch: i586
Installed: No
Status: not installed
Installed Size: 598.8 K
Summary: A Drawing Library for Programs That Use PNG and JPEG Output
<!-- DT:Rich -->
<p>Gd allows your code to quickly draw images complete with lines, arcs,
text, and multiple colors. It supports cut and paste from other images and
flood fills. It outputs PNG, JPEG, and WBMP (for wireless devices) and is
supported by PHP4.

Information for package glib:

Repository: 10.3-oss
Name: glib
Version: 1.2.10-672
Arch: i586
Installed: No
Status: not installed
Installed Size: 327.0 K
Summary: The Utility Functions for Gtk
<!-- DT:Rich -->
<p>A library of utility functions for Gtk.

Information for package gtk:

Repository: 10.3-oss
Name: gtk
Version: 1.2.10-993
Arch: i586
Installed: No
Status: not installed
Installed Size: 2.0 M
Summary: A Library for the Creation of Graphical User Interfaces
<!-- DT:Rich -->
<p>This fast and versatile library was used all over the world for all
GNOME applications, the GIMP, and several others. Originally it was
written for the GIMP and hence has the name GIMP ToolKit. Many people
like it because it is small, efficient, and very configurable.
Most applications which used GTK1 have since switched to <a href="pkg://gtk2"> GTK2</a>.
Besides a more flexible API, it provides improved text rendering using <a href="pkg://pango"> Pango</a> and many other goodies, but GTK+ 2 lacks compatibility with GTK1, so to switch, programmers have to port applications to it.
Thus, some applications for which GTK1 is sufficient, still to use GTK1.
GTK1 remains faster and less complex than GTK2. To develop applications with gtk, you need the package <a href="pkg://gtk-devel">gtk-devel</a>.

Information for package gtkiterm:

Repository: 10.3-oss
Name: gtkiterm
Version: 0.5.20040304-140
Arch: i586
Installed: No
Status: not installed
Installed Size: 15.1 K
Summary: Internationalized Terminal Emulator for GTK
<!-- DT:Rich -->
<p>An internationalized terminal emulator for GTK.

Information for package imlib:

Repository: 10.3-oss
Name: imlib
Version: 1.9.14-305
Arch: i586
Installed: No
Status: not installed
Installed Size: 400.0 K
Summary: A Shared Library for Loading and Rendering 3D Images
<!-- DT:Rich -->
<p>This is a general, all-purpose image loading and rendering (image data
to screen data) library. Imlib is currently capable of loading 25
different image formats.
See the file /usr/include/X11/imlib.h or directory
/usr/share/doc/packages/imlib for more details.
This shared library is needed for the Enlightenment window manager and
for GNOME.

Information for package libXiterm:

Repository: 10.3-oss
Name: libXiterm
Version: 0.5.20040304-140
Arch: i586
Installed: No
Status: not installed
Installed Size: 40.4 K
Summary: terminal emulator Xaw widget library based on libiterm
<!-- DT:Rich -->
<p>terminal emulator Xaw widget library based on libiterm

Information for package libchewing:

Repository: 10.3-oss
Name: libchewing
Version: 0.3.0-73
Arch: i586
Installed: No
Status: not installed
Installed Size: 9.1 M
Summary: Intelligent Phonetic Input Method Library for Traditional Chinese
<!-- DT:Rich -->
<p>Intelligent phonetic input method library for traditional Chinese.

Information for package libiterm:

Repository: 10.3-oss
Name: libiterm
Version: 0.5.20040304-140
Arch: i586
Installed: No
Status: not installed
Installed Size: 80.2 K
Summary: Internationalized Terminal Emulator Library
<!-- DT:Rich -->
<p>This is a portable library for internationalized terminal emulator.
All you need to make terminal emulator is to implements Callback functions,
like a drawing string on specific column and row, or set fore/background
color and so on.

Information for package libotf:

Repository: 10.3-oss
Name: libotf
Version: 0.9.6-15
Arch: i586
Installed: No
Status: not installed
Installed Size: 188.8 K
Summary: Library for Handling OpenType Fonts
<!-- DT:Rich -->
<p>Library for handling OpenType fonts.

Information for package lv:

Repository: 10.3-oss
Name: lv
Version: 4.51-62
Arch: i586
Installed: No
Status: not installed
Installed Size: 581.9 K
Summary: Powerful, Multilingual File Viewer, Same User Interface as "Less"
<!-- DT:Rich -->
<p>Lv is a powerful, multilingual file viewer. Apparently, lv looks like
less (1), a representative file viewer on UNIX, so UNIX
people (and less people on other OSs) do not have to learn a burdensome
new interface.
Lv can decode and encode multilingual streams through many coding
systems. Lv can be used as a coding system translation filter.
Lv can recognize multibyte patterns as regular expressions, and
provides multilingual grep (1) functionality under the name
Lv can recognize ANSI escape sequences for text decoration.

Information for package m17n-lib:

Repository: 10.3-oss
Name: m17n-lib
Version: 1.4.0-27
Arch: i586
Installed: No
Status: not installed
Installed Size: 666.6 K
Summary: Multilingual Text Processing Library for the C Language
<!-- DT:Rich -->
<p>A multilingual text processing library for the C language.

Information for package mlterm:

Repository: 10.3-oss
Name: mlterm
Arch: i586
Installed: No
Status: not installed
Installed Size: 3.9 M
Summary: Multilingual Terminal Emulator for X
<!-- DT:Rich -->
<p>Mlterm is a multilingual terminal emulator for the X Window System.
Multilingual features:
supported charsets: US_ASCII, ISO8859[1-11], ISO8859[13-16], TCVN5712, VISCII, KOI8_R, KOI8_U, JISX0201, JISX0208, JISX0212, JISX0213, GB2312, GBK, KSC5601, UHC, CNS11643-N, Big5, UCS2(4)
supported encodings: ISO-8859-[1-11], ISO-8859- [13-16], TCVN5612, VISCII, KOI8_R, KOI8_U, EUC-JP, EUC-JISX0213, ISO-2022-JP [1, 2, 3], Shift_JIS, Shift_JISX0213, EUC-KR, UHC, JOHAB, ISO-2022-KR, ISO-2022-CN, GB2312(EUC-CN), GBK, GB18030, EUC-TW, Big5, Hz, UTF-8
character composition: TIS620, TCVN5712, JISX0213, UNICODE
Multiple xims are also supported and you can dynamically change various xims.
Other features:
<li>scroll by wheel mouse
</li><li>antialias font (requires Xft and Xrender extensions)
</li><li>proportional font
</li><li>transparent background
</li><li>background image (requires Imlib)
</li><li>multiple pty windows
</li><li>scrollbar plug-in API (unstable)

Information for package mlterm-scim:

Repository: 10.3-oss
Name: mlterm-scim
Arch: i586
Installed: No
Status: not installed
Installed Size: 74.2 K
Summary: SCIM plugin for mlterm
<!-- DT:Rich -->
<p>A plugin to use the SCIM input methods directly from mlterm.

Information for package rxvt-unicode:

Repository: 10.3-oss
Name: rxvt-unicode
Version: 8.3-16
Arch: i586
Installed: No
Status: not installed
Installed Size: 3.1 M
Summary: Rxvt X Terminal with Unicode Support
<!-- DT:Rich -->
<p>rxvt-unicode is a clone of the well-known terminal emulator rxvt, modified to
store text in Unicode (either UCS-2 or UCS-4) and to use locale-correct input
and output.
It also supports mixing multiple fonts at the same time, includingXft fonts.

Information for package scim:

Repository: 10.3-oss
Name: scim
Version: 1.4.7-24
Arch: i586
Installed: No
Status: not installed
Installed Size: 3.2 M
Summary: Smart Chinese/Common Input Method platform
<!-- DT:Rich -->
<p>SCIM is a developing platform to significantly reduce the difficulty of
input method development.

Information for package scim-chewing:

Repository: 10.3-oss
Name: scim-chewing
Version: 0.3.1-111
Arch: i586
Installed: No
Status: not installed
Installed Size: 154.1 K
Summary: chewing input method module for SCIM
<!-- DT:Rich -->
<p>chewing input method module for SCIM

Information for package scim-input-pad:

Repository: 10.3-oss
Name: scim-input-pad
Version: 0.1.1-126
Arch: i586
Installed: No
Status: not installed
Installed Size: 259.2 K
Summary: an onscreen input pad to easily input symbols
<!-- DT:Rich -->
<p>an onscreen input pad to easily input symbols

Information for package scim-m17n:

Repository: 10.3-oss
Name: scim-m17n
Version: 0.2.2-70
Arch: i586
Installed: No
Status: not installed
Installed Size: 105.0 K
Summary: M17N Input Method Engine for SCIM
<!-- DT:Rich -->
<p>M17N Input Method Engine for SCIM
Supports all input methods offered by m17n-lib and m17n-db.
Currently the following languages are supported:
Amharic, Arabic, Armenian, Assamese, Bengali, Chinese, Croatian,
Devanagari, Dhivehi, Farsi, Georgian Greek, Gujarati, Hebrew,
Japanese, Kannada, Kazakh, Khmer, Korean, Lao, Malayalam, Myanmar,
Oriya, Punjabi, Russian, Serbian, Sinhala, Slovak, Syriac, Tamil,
Telugu, Thai, Tibetan, Vietnamese
Several generic input methods for languages based on the Latin
alphabet are also included.

Information for package scim-pinyin:

Repository: 10.3-oss
Name: scim-pinyin
Arch: i586
Installed: No
Status: not installed
Installed Size: 5.1 M
Summary: Intelligent Pinyin input module for Smart Chinese/Common Input Method platform
<!-- DT:Rich -->
<p>Intelligent Pinyin input module for Smart Chinese/Common Input Method platform

Information for package scim-pinyin-skim:

Repository: 10.3-oss
Name: scim-pinyin-skim
Arch: i586
Installed: No
Status: not installed
Installed Size: 119.1 K
Summary: skim setup module for scim-pinyin
<!-- DT:Rich -->
<p>skim setup module for scim-pinyin

Information for package scim-qtimm:

Repository: 10.3-oss
Name: scim-qtimm
Version: 0.9.4-121
Arch: i586
Installed: No
Status: not installed
Installed Size: 261.6 K
Summary: Qt input module plugin for SCIM
<!-- DT:Rich -->
<p>Qt input module plugin for SCIM

Information for package scim-tables:

Repository: 10.3-oss
Name: scim-tables
Version: 0.5.7-109
Arch: i586
Installed: No
Status: not installed
Installed Size: 955.9 K
Summary: Data Files for SCIM Generic Table Input Method Module
<!-- DT:Rich -->
<p>Data files for SCIM generic table input method module.

Information for package scim-tables-skim:

Repository: 10.3-oss
Name: scim-tables-skim
Version: 0.5.7-109
Arch: i586
Installed: No
Status: not installed
Installed Size: 81.2 K
Summary: skim setup module for scim-tables
<!-- DT:Rich -->
<p>skim setup module for scim-tablesinput method module.

Information for package scim-tables-zh:

Repository: 10.3-oss
Name: scim-tables-zh
Version: 0.5.7-109
Arch: i586
Installed: No
Status: not installed
Installed Size: 11.2 M
Summary: SCIM Chinese Data Files
<!-- DT:Rich -->
<p>This package includes SCIM table IM data files in Chinese.
The data files come from UNICON and XCIN.

Information for package skim:

Repository: 10.3-oss
Name: skim
Version: 1.4.5-120
Arch: i586
Installed: No
Status: not installed
Installed Size: 3.0 M
Summary: KDE integration for SCIM
<!-- DT:Rich -->
<p>KDE integration for SCIM

Information for package xiterm:

Repository: 10.3-ossSuSEconfig
Name: xiterm
Version: 0.5.20040304-140
Arch: i586
Installed: No
Status: not installed
Installed Size: 43.2 K
Summary: Internationalized Terminal Emulator for X11
<!-- DT:Rich -->
<p>Internationalized Terminal Emulator for X11

Information for package CID-keyed-fonts-MOE:

Repository: 10.3-oss
Name: CID-keyed-fonts-MOE
Version: 20021114-275
Arch: noarch
Installed: No
Status: not installed
Installed Size: 22.5 M
Summary: MOE CID-Keyed Fonts (for Traditional Chinese)
<!-- DT:Rich -->
<p>This package contains the CID-keyed fonts
MOESung-Regular (Adobe-CNS1-0 subset: 13699 CIDs)
MOEKai-Regular (Adobe-CNS1-0 subset: 13699 CIDs)
These fonts are useful for traditional Chinese--for Taiwan and Hongkong.
The fonts can be used with Ghostscript as well as with X11.

Information for package OpenOffice_org-zh-TW:

Repository: 10.3-oss
Name: OpenOffice_org-zh-TW
Arch: noarch
Installed: No
Status: not installed
Installed Size: 33.1 M
Summary: Chinese Traditional Localization Files for OpenOffice.org
<!-- DT:Rich -->
<p>Chinese traditional localization files for OpenOffice.org.

Information for package bundle-lang-common-zh:

Repository: 10.3-oss
Name: bundle-lang-common-zh
Version: 10.3-44
Arch: noarch
Installed: No
Status: not installed
Installed Size: 1.9 M
Summary: Translations for a Group of Programs
<!-- DT:Rich -->
<p>This package groups translations for a dozen of programs which are both on the GNOME and KDE CD into languages, not split out into extra packages.

Information for package bundle-lang-gnome-zh:

Repository: 10.3-oss
Name: bundle-lang-gnome-zh
Version: 10.3-61
Arch: noarch
Installed: No
Status: not installed
Installed Size: 7.1 M
Summary: Translations for a many GNOME programs
<!-- DT:Rich -->
<p>This package groups translations for many GNOME programs.

Information for package bundle-lang-kde-zh:

Repository: 10.3-oss
Name: bundle-lang-kde-zh
Version: 10.3-103
Arch: noarch
Installed: No
Status: not installed
Installed Size: 1.1 M
Summary: Translations for a group of KDE applications
<!-- DT:Rich -->
<p>This package groups translations for a dozen of KDE programs into languages, not split out into extra packages.

Information for package desktop-translations:

Repository: 10.3-oss
Name: desktop-translations
Version: 10.3-64
Arch: noarch
Installed: No
Status: not installed
Installed Size: 23.4 M
Summary: Desktop Files Translation updates
<!-- DT:Rich -->
<p>This package provides further translations for installed desktop files.

Information for package ghostscript-cjk:

Repository: 10.3-oss
Name: ghostscript-cjk
Version: 20050315-82
Arch: noarch
Installed: No
Status: not installed
Installed Size: 15.3 M
Summary: Tools for Using CJK TrueType Fonts and CID-Keyed Fonts with Ghostscript
<!-- DT:Rich -->
<p>CMaps, scripts, and other tools for using CJK TrueType fonts and
CID-keyed fonts with Ghostscript.

Information for package ifntchia:

Repository: 10.3-oss
Name: ifntchia
Version: 1.2.1-303
Arch: noarch
Installed: No
Status: not installed
Installed Size: 6.2 M
Summary: Chinese Fonts for the X Window System
<!-- DT:Rich -->
<p>Chinese fonts for the X Window System.

Information for package ifntchib:

Repository: 10.3-oss
Name: ifntchib
Version: 1.2.1-303
Arch: noarch
Installed: No
Status: not installed
Installed Size: 7.4 M
Summary: Big Chinese Fonts for the X Window System
<!-- DT:Rich -->
<p>Big Chinese fonts for the X Window System.

Information for package kde3-i18n-zh_TW:

Repository: 10.3-oss
Name: kde3-i18n-zh_TW
Version: 3.5.7-6
Arch: noarch
Installed: No
Status: not installed
Installed Size: 7.6 M
Summary: Chinese Translations for KDE
<!-- DT:Rich -->
<p>All the requirements for a Chinese desktop. This package contains application
translations, help files, and screen shots.

Information for package kde4-l10n-zh_TW:

Repository: 10.3-oss
Name: kde4-l10n-zh_TW
Version: 3.93.0-2
Arch: noarch
Installed: No
Status: not installed
Installed Size: 6.4 M
Summary: Chinese traditional (zh_TW) translations for KDE
<!-- DT:Rich -->
<p>All the requirements for a desktop in traditional chinese. This package contains application translations, help files, and screenshots.

Information for package m17n-db:

Repository: 10.3-oss
Name: m17n-db
Version: 1.4.0-10
Arch: noarch
Installed: No
Status: not installed
Installed Size: 4.8 M
Summary: Database Needed by the m17n Library m17n-lib
<!-- DT:Rich -->
<p>Database that is needed by the m17n library "m17n-lib".

Information for package man-pages-zh_CN:

Repository: 10.3-oss
Name: man-pages-zh_CN
Version: 1.5-12
Arch: noarch
Installed: No
Status: not installed
Installed Size: 2.3 M
Summary: Chinese translation of man pages from the CMPP project
<!-- DT:Rich -->
<p>Chinese translation of man pages from the CMPP project

Information for package ttf-arphic:

Repository: 10.3-oss
Name: ttf-arphic
Version: 20001125-679
Arch: noarch
Installed: No
Status: not installed
Installed Size: 14.4 K
Summary: Chinese TrueType fonts by Arphic Technology (only the license text is present in this package)
<!-- DT:Rich -->
<p>Chinese TrueType fonts by Arphic Technology. This package contains
only the license texts. The fonts themselves are in the sub-packages
ttf-arphic-bkai00mp, ttf-arphic-bsmi00lp, ttf-arphic-gkai00mp, and

Information for package ttf-arphic-bkai00mp:

Repository: 10.3-oss
Name: ttf-arphic-bkai00mp
Version: 20001125-679
Arch: noarch
Installed: No
Status: not installed
Installed Size: 9.9 M
Summary: AR PL KaitiM Big5 Chinese TrueType font by Arphic Technology
<!-- DT:Rich -->
<p>AR PL KaitiM Big5 is a high quality Chinese TrueType font
(bkai00mp.ttf) generously provided by Arphic Technology to the Free
Software community under the Arphic Public License.

Information for package ttf-arphic-bsmi00lp:

Repository: 10.3-oss
Name: ttf-arphic-bsmi00lp
Version: 20001125-679
Arch: noarch
Installed: No
Status: not installed
Installed Size: 12.1 M
Summary: AR PL Mingti2L Big5 Chinese TrueType font by Arphic Technology
<!-- DT:Rich -->
<p>AR PL Mingti2L Big5 is a high quality Chinese TrueType font
(bsmi00lp.ttf) generously provided by Arphic Technology to the Free
Software community under the Arphic Public License.

# zypper in MozillaFirefox-translations yast2-trans-zh_TW libotf CID-keyed-fonts-MOE OpenOffice_org-zh-TW bundle-lang-common-zh bundle-lang-gnome-zh bundle-lang-kde-zh desktop-translations ghostscript-cjk kde3-i18n-zh_TW kde4-l10n-zh_TW
* Reading repository '10.3-update' cache
* Reading repository '10.3-non-oss' cache
* Reading repository '10.3-oss' cache
* Reading repository 'swyear' cache
* Reading installed packages [100%]

The following NEW packages are going to be installed:
MozillaFirefox-translations yast2-trans-zh_TW ft2demos libotf CID-keyed-fonts-MOE
OpenOffice_org-zh-TW bundle-lang-common-zh bundle-lang-gnome-zh bundle-lang-kde-zh
desktop-translations ghostscript-cjk kde3-i18n-zh_TW kde4-l10n-zh_TW

Overall download size: 58.6 M. After the operation, additional 148.0 M will be used.
Continue? [yes/no]:y

例如我用 KDE 就不裝和 gnome 有關的翻譯檔(說不定 gimp 就沒中文了)
安裝完後編輯 /etc/sysconfig/language
設定 RC_LANG="zh_TW.UTF-8"
# SuSEconfig


YaST 中有幾個沒翻譯到的(不知問題在哪裡)
diff -U 0 -r YaST2-orig/remote.desktop YaST2/remote.desktop
--- YaST2-orig/remote.desktop 2007-11-18 00:32:14.000000000 +0800
+++ YaST2/remote.desktop 2007-11-18 00:44:42.000000000 +0800
@@ -72,0 +73 @@
+Name[zh_CN]=远程管理 (VNC)
@@ -73,0 +75 @@
+Name[zh_TW]=遠端管理 (VNC)
diff -U 0 -r YaST2-orig/suse_register.desktop YaST2/suse_register.desktop
--- YaST2-orig/suse_register.desktop 2007-11-18 00:32:14.000000000 +0800
+++ YaST2/suse_register.desktop 2007-11-18 00:51:11.000000000 +0800
@@ -72,0 +73,2 @@
diff -U 0 -r YaST2-orig/sw_source.desktop YaST2/sw_source.desktop
--- YaST2-orig/sw_source.desktop 2007-11-18 00:32:14.000000000 +0800
+++ YaST2/sw_source.desktop 2007-11-18 00:44:42.000000000 +0800
@@ -62,0 +63 @@

然後再該目錄下用 root 權限執行
patch -d /usr/share/applications/YaST2 -p1 < add-trans.diff


