2009年4月15日 星期三

LXDE on openSUSE screenshots

LXDE.org Home: http://lxde.org/
寄件者 LXDE

You can have 2 panels, like in gnome desktop.
寄件者 LXDE

Firefox. Right click on panel to customize your own panel.
寄件者 LXDE

Default file manager: pcmanfm, and panel preferences.
寄件者 LXDE

Main menu and appearance setting. You can change your wallpaper here.
寄件者 LXDE

Right click on application launch bar(or edit "application launch bar" in Panel preferences), you can add applications on panel. Watch pictures with gpicview.
If any application can't add to panel, try:
1. kde3/4 applications: copy APP_NAME.desktop to /usr/share/applications/
and APP_NAME.png to /usr/share/pixmaps/
2. edit APP_NAME.desktop, see if there's any wrong, try to fix it.
3. edit APP_NAME.desktop, use full-path or full-file-name in "Icon="
eg. Icon=emesene.png
or Icon=/usr/share/pixmaps/emesene.png
寄件者 LXDE

Google Earth run on lxde.
寄件者 LXDE

World of Warcraft (run via wine) on lxde.
寄件者 LXDE

寄件者 LXDE

Google gadgets and smplayer
寄件者 LXDE

Firefox and 1 click install
寄件者 LXDE

Picasa 3
寄件者 LXDE

Transparent panel
寄件者 LXDE

Logout lxde session
寄件者 LXDE

You can use compiz to enable desktop effects:
寄件者 LXDE

寄件者 LXDE

寄件者 LXDE

To enable desktop effects, use lxsession-edit.
Just change your default window manager from "openbox-lxde" to "compiz-manager"
寄件者 LXDE

If you want to use different wallpapers for each desktop.
Enable Wallpaper plugin in ccsm, then add your pictures.
Make sure UNCHECK "Manage the desktop and show file icons"
from pcmanfm->Edit->Preferences
寄件者 LXDE

Use 1 click install here to install LXDE on openSUSE 11.x

4 則留言:

  1. Black eyes, why do you write in English? Try to be international? This article is great!

  2. 有時給外國人看的,就該打英文,反正也不會有人看不懂我的破英文,主要是在 lxde forum 和 opensuse forum 有人問起,所以想在網誌上貼個圖而已

  3. hi.

    i'm trying setup lxde livecd with susestudio and using your repo.
    i got one problem. how to make lxde able to shutdown/reboot without installing gdm?


  4. DennyHalim.com:
    Thanks for visiting my blog, I'm not sure how to do with this.
    I am a desktop end user, I always have a display manager in my system...
    Maybe you can ask in lxde forum. Developers would be glad to help you. Or ask in mailing-list of lxde: Lxde-list@lists.sourceforge.net
