2016年5月1日 星期日

Can't use baloosearch for Chinese characters

I have some pictures named "快照##.png" (that means screenshot)

in my Pictures folder (see fig 1),

but search with dolphin shows no results (see fig 2).

And search png, you can find these pictures (see fig 3),

so these files were indexed !

fig 1. Pictures Folder

fig 2 Search with Chinese characters shows nothing

fig 3 Search "png" will show these files

In https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=333037

Cjacker in comment 25 had some patches for this,

I rebuild baloo5 packages with these patches in my obs home project:


before upstream fix this problem,

it's a temporitary workaround for Chinese search in plasma5.

At last, I can search the Chinese characters (see fig 4,5,6).

fig 4. Search in dolphin with Chinese characters

fig 5. Search in start menu

fig 6. Search in krunner

The patched baloo5 packages can be found in


After installing these packages, run "balooctl disable" then "balooctl enable"in terminal,

wait some minutes for the file indexing.

When it's done, your baloosearch can use Chinese characters to search.

Baloo also affects Desktop search and Krunner (Alt+F2), you can see in fig 5, 6.

Before patching baloo,

Desktop search and Krunner shows nothing when using Chinese characters to search.

But there's problems when searching Applications.

When search "edit", (see fig 7)

you can see some results in Applications (應用程式)and Desktop search (桌面搜尋),

And some applications are named with "編輯" (that means "edit").

But search "編輯",you can't find these applications,

only Desktop search got the results. (see fig 8)

fig 7. Search "edit"

fig 8. Search "編輯"

4 則留言:

  1. 沒想到從我去年在 google plus 和 facebook 台灣自己的討論區問了這問題後官方還是一直沒有發現這個問題,之前用其他發行版的都不會這樣

  2. https://bugzilla.opensuse.org/show_bug.cgi?id=958568

  3. 我記得用 Chakra OS 在資料夾內可以正常搜尋,不過也可能我記錯

  4. KDE4的baloo可以搜尋中文,KF5的目前有問題
