2008年1月16日 星期三

openSUSE 10.3 中 KDE 4.0 的字型

KDE 4.0 已經發布
openSUSE.org 也提供了 Live CD 以及 1-Click Install 安裝服務供 10.3 的用戶體驗
可惜現在 download.opensuse.org 當機中
若急著安裝者,用下面這個 1-Click
這是使用 twaren 提供的鏡像
<metapackage xmlns:os="http://opensuse.org/Standards/One_Click_Install" xmlns="http://opensuse.org/Standards/One_Click_Install">
<name>KDE 4 Default</name>
<summary>KDE 4.0 Desktop Environment</summary>
<description>The applications a KDE 4 installation would contain if it would be the default desktop.</description>
<repository recommended="true">
<summary>KDE 4.0 builds</summary>
<description>Further description: http://en.opensuse.org/KDE4
<repository recommended="false">
<summary>openSUSE 10.3 distribution</summary>
<description>The openSUSE 10.3 distribution.</description>
<summary>The KDE Workspace Components</summary>
<description>This package contains the basic packages for a K Desktop Environment

The KDE Team <kde@kde.org></description>
<summary>The KDE Workspace Components</summary>
<description>This package contains the basic packages for a K Desktop Environment

The KDE Team <kde@kde.org></description>
<summary>The KDE Session</summary>
<description>This package contains the startup scripts necessary to start a KDE
session from kdm.

The KDE Team <kde@kde.org></description>
<summary>KDE Window Manager</summary>
<description>KWin is the window manager of the K desktop environment.

The KDE Team <kde@kde.org></description>
<summary>KDE File Manager</summary>
<description>This package contains the default file manager of KDE 4.

The KDE Team <kde@kde.org></description>
<summary>KDE Text Editor</summary>
<description>KWrite is the default text editor of the K desktop environment.

The KDE Team <kde@kde.org></description>
<summary>KDE Bookmark Editor</summary>
<description>This is an editor to edit your KDE-wide bookmark set.

The KDE Team <kde@kde.org></description>
<summary>KDE File Manager and Browser</summary>
<description>Konqueror allows you to manage your files and browse the web in a
unified interface.

The KDE Team <kde@kde.org></description>
<summary>KDE Terminal</summary>
<description>Konsole is a terminal emulator for the K Desktop Environment.

The KDE Team <kde@kde.org></description>
<summary>KDE version of xdialog</summary>
<description>KDialog can be used to show nice dialog boxes from shell scripts.

The KDE Team <kde@kde.org></description>
<summary>KDE Find File Utility</summary>
<description>KFind allows you to search for directories and files.

The KDE Team <kde@kde.org></description>
<summary>KDE Password Changer</summary>
<description>This application allows you to change your UNIX password.

The KDE Team <kde@kde.org></description>
<summary>Screen Magnifier</summary>
<description>Magnifies a part of the screen.

The KDE Team <kde@kde.org></description>
<summary>Patience card game</summary>
<description>KPatience is a collection of various patience games known all over the
world. It includes Klondike, Freecell, Yukon, Forty and Eight and many
more. The game has nice graphics and many different carddecks.

The KDE Team <kde@kde.org></description>
<summary>Reversi board game</summary>
<description>KReversi is a board game game where two players have to gain the
majority of pieces on the board. This is done by tactically placing
ones pieces to turn over the opponents pieces.

The KDE Team <kde@kde.org></description>
<summary>Mahjongg game</summary>
<description>KMahjongg is a clone of the well known tile based patience game of the
same name. In the game you have to empty a game board filled with piece
by removing pieces of the same type.

The KDE Team <kde@kde.org></description>
<summary>Minesweeper-like game</summary>
<description>KMines is the classical Minesweeper game where you have to find mines
by logical deduction.

The KDE Team <kde@kde.org></description>
<summary>Generate and Solve Sudoku Puzzles in 2D or 3D</summary>
<description>KSudoku is a program that can generate and solve sudoku puzzles. The
word Sudoku means "single number in an alloted place" in Japanese. Some
cells are filled with a number at the beginnning: the remaining are to
be filled by the player using numbers from 1 to 9, without repeating a
number twice on each column, row, or subsquare.

Francesco Rossi <redsh@email.it></description>
<summary>Screen Ruler</summary>
<description>A screen ruler for the K Desktop Environment

The KDE Team <kde@kde.org></description>
<summary>Screen Capture Program</summary>
<description>A screenshot utility for KDE

The KDE Team <kde@kde.org></description>
<summary>Document Viewer</summary>
<description>Document viewing program; supports document in various formats

The KDE Team <kde@kde.org></description>
<summary>Simple Image Viewer for KDE</summary>
<description>Gwenview is a simple image viewer for KDE. It features a folder tree
window and a file list window, providing easy navigation of your file

Aur�lien G�teau <aurelien.gateau@mail.dotcom.fr></description>
<summary>Sound Mixer</summary>
<description>KDE's full featured mini mixer

The KDE Team <kde@kde.org></description>
<summary>Download Manager</summary>
<description>An advanced download manager for KDE

The KDE Team <kde@kde.org></description>
<summary>Instant Messenger</summary>
<description>Kopete is the KDE instant messenger and supports multiple protocols.

The KDE Team <kde@kde.org></description>
<summary>Remote Desktop Connection</summary>
<description>Krdc allows to connect to VNC and RDP compatible servers.

The KDE Team <kde@kde.org></description>
<summary>Desktop Sharing</summary>
<description>VNC-compatible server to share KDE desktops.

The KDE Team <kde@kde.org></description>
<summary>RDF newsticker applet</summary>
<description>A newsticker applet for the KDE panel.

The KDE Team <kde@kde.org></description>
<summary>KDE Network Libraries</summary>
<description>Required libraries for the following packages:

kdenetwork3-chat kdenetwork3-dialup kdenetwork3-lan kdenetwork3-mail
kdenetwork3-news kdenetwork3-query

The KDE Team <kde@kde.org></description>
<summary>Advanced Text Editor</summary>
<description>Kate is an advanced text editor for KDE.

The KDE Team <kde@kde.org></description>
<summary>Weather service and applet</summary>
<description>This package contains the KWeather service and an accompanying panel

The KDE Team <kde@kde.org></description>
<summary>Scientific Calculator</summary>
<description>KCalc is the KDE calculator tool.

The KDE Team <kde@kde.org></description>
<summary>Remote Application Executor</summary>
<description>Runs a program on a remote host

The KDE Team <kde@kde.org></description>
<summary>Disk Usage Viewer</summary>
<description>KDE free disk space utility

The KDE Team <kde@kde.org></description>
<summary>Floppy Formatter</summary>
<description>KDE Floppy Disk Utility

The KDE Team <kde@kde.org></description>
<summary>Encryption Tool</summary>
<description>Kgpg is a simple GUI for gpg

The KDE Team <kde@kde.org></description>
<summary>Wallet Management Tool</summary>
<description>This application allows you to manage your KDE password wallet.

The KDE Team <kde@kde.org></description>
<summary>Removable Media Utility</summary>
<description>This utility allows you to manage removable media.

The KDE Team <kde@kde.org></description>
<item recommended="false">
<summary>Media Player for KDE</summary>
<description>Amarok is a media player for all kinds of media. This includes MP3, Ogg
Vorbis, audio CDs, podcasts and streams. Play lists can be stored in
.m3u or .pls files.

Christian Muehlhaeuser <chris@chris.de>
Mark Kretschmann <markey@web.de>
Max Howell <max.howell@methylblue.com>
Stanislav Karchebny <berk@inbox.ru></description>
<item recommended="false">
<summary>The kde4-digikam package</summary>
<description>The kde4-digikam package.</description>
<item recommended="false">
<summary>KDE BitTorrent Client</summary>

將上面的文字另存到您的電腦,取名 *.ymp,用滑鼠點一下就會開始安裝程序
openSUSE 10.3 的使用者一定會發現內嵌的點陣字不見了
這是因為 KDE 4 使用了不同的引擎來演算 antialias
而 openSUSE 使用 embeddedbitmap 來標示使用點陣字
這應該是 openSUSE 團隊加上了某些 patches 的關係
(因為曾和使用 ubuntu 的網友討論過這問題, ubuntu 似乎無法使用 embeddedbitmap)
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE fontconfig SYSTEM "fonts.dtd">
KDE 4 seems not support embeddedbitmap, use antialias instead
<match target="font">
<test name="family" compare="contains">
<string>AR PL ShanHeiSun Uni</string>
<string>AR PL New Sung</string>
<string>文鼎PL新宋 Mono</string>
<string>AR PL New Sung Mono</string>
<string>Sazanami Mincho</string>
<test name="pixelsize" compare="more_eq">
<test name="pixelsize" compare="less_eq">
<edit name="antialias" mode="assign">
Artificial oblique for fonts without an italic or oblique version

<match target="font">
<!-- check to see if the font is roman -->
<test name="slant">
<!-- check to see if the pattern requested non-roman -->
<test target="pattern" name="slant" compare="not_eq">
<!-- multiply the matrix to slant the font -->
<edit name="matrix" mode="assign">
<!-- pretend the font is oblique now -->
<edit name="slant" mode="assign">
<!-- and disable embedded bitmaps for artificial oblique -->
<edit name="embeddedbitmap" mode="assign">
<!-- enable antialias for KDE 4 -->
<edit name="antialias" mode="assign">

Synthetic emboldening for fonts that do not have bold face available

<match target="font">
<!-- check to see if the font is just regular -->
<test name="weight" compare="less_eq">
<!-- check to see if the pattern requests bold -->
<test target="pattern" name="weight" compare="more">
set the embolden flag
needed for applications using cairo, e.g. gucharmap, gedit, ...
<edit name="embolden" mode="assign">
set weight to bold
needed for applications using Xft directly, e.g. Firefox, ...
<edit name="weight" mode="assign">
Hinting will be done before Embolden in freetype2,
but in such case, Embolden will get wrong result
on some glyph contours after applying hinting.
Actually, hinting should be done after embolden, but we can't
fix it in current freetype2. So as a workaround, just turn off
hinting if we want to do embolden.
<edit name="hintstyle" mode="assign">

將這個檔案丟到 /etc/fonts/conf.d/底下
然後 fc-cache ,重新登入就可以使用內嵌的點陣字了
這個設定檔中指定了 openSUSE 常用的內嵌點陣字字型
在 96 dpi 時大概是在 9,10,11,12,13 這幾個字體使用內嵌點陣字
另外我會建議將預設字型使用 DejaVu Sans 和 DejaVu Sans Mono 會讓英文字更好看
同樣 firefox 家族要在『編輯』->『偏好設定』中指定這兩個字體

3 則留言:

Unknown 提到...

download.o.o 已經修復了

FigaroY 提到...

不好意思請教一下黑眼珠大 ~ 在openSUSE 10.3中所安裝的KDE4是不是在中文的部分還有部分沒有翻譯完成呢 ? 我有透過官方網站的說明進行安裝,但發現有大部份的項目都還是英文的?這部分不知道您有沒有碰到~謝謝

Unknown 提到...

10.3 中的 kde4 應該是很多沒翻譯沒錯
11.0 的狀況可能好不到哪去...